View the Total Picture of Opioid Prescriptions
View the Total Picture of Opioid Prescriptions
It’s well documented that excessive inpatient and outpatient exposures to controlled substances can increase the risk of harmful side effects and may even lead to addiction. Yet most current solutions are limited to only outpatient fills, as detailed in the state PDMP database. IllumiCare’s PDMP App contains both inpatient and outpatient controlled substance exposures and makes the data readily available to providers within their clinical workflow. An MME calculator is also provided to make sure that patients go home on an appropriate morphine equivalent dose.
The IllumiCare Smart Ribbon uses a patented process to know both user and patient context, so when a provider clicks on the PDMP App icon they’re automatically logged into the state database, and the app then queries the current patient data to determine if a report is available. Viewing the report through the app fulfills the state requirement to review the patient’s PDMP report prior to prescribing controlled substances.
How It Helps Patients.
A PDMP report provides a synopsis of the controlled substance prescriptions that have been filled by the patient to assist providers in the prescribing decisions in regards to the patient in question.
What is a PDMP?
A Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) established by the state collects, monitors, and analyzes prescribing and dispensing data submitted by pharmacies and dispensing practitioners.
How does this help care for patients?
A PDMP report provides a synopsis of the controlled substance prescriptions that have been filled by the patient to assist providers in the prescribing decisions in regards to the patient in question.
What is a PDMP?
A Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) established by the state collects, monitors, and analyzes prescribing and dispensing data submitted by pharmacies and dispensing practitioners.

With both Inpatient and outpatient data synthesized at the patient bedside, providers are given the full picture of a patient’s controlled substance exposure, ensuring the best results for both the provider and patient.
If you’re curious how PDMP might benefit your organization, let’s chat. 205.578.1738
It’s well documented that excessive inpatient and outpatient exposures to controlled substances can increase the risk of harmful side effects and may even lead to addiction. Yet most current solutions are limited to only outpatient fills, as detailed in the state PDMP database. IllumiCare’s PDMP App contains both inpatient and outpatient controlled substance exposures and makes the data readily available to providers within their clinical workflow. An MME calculator is also provided to make sure that patients go home on an appropriate morphine equivalent dose.
The IllumiCare Smart Ribbon uses a patented process to know both user and patient context, so when a provider clicks on the PDMP App icon they’re automatically logged into the state database, and the app then queries the current patient data to determine if a report is available. Viewing the report through the app fulfills the state requirement to review the patient’s PDMP report prior to prescribing controlled substances.