THA-PDMP Training

Your Smart Ribbon hovers over the EMR to provide real-time cost, opioid and critical data in focused views for expedited clinical decision making.

Learn more about the apps on your ribbon

Hawaii Pacific Ribbon


Opioid Tracking & Controlled Substance Reports


What's New!

Everything is new for you! We will update this section as additional apps and features are added to your ribbon!

Frequently Asked Questions about the IllumiCare Ribbon

User Preferences

Customize your IllumiCare Smart Ribbon based on your

For questions or issues about your ribbon please follow the steps below!



Contacting the IllumiCare
support staff:

1st - Click the lightbulb on the right side of your ribbon to
open the ribbon menu

2nd - Click Help & Support

3rd - Let our support staff know how they can help you.